Terms & Conditions

Note: Hereinafter, the “Company” refers to Moto Rentals Malta as the hiring company and “Hirer” refers to the person/s hiring the vehicle.

1. The Hirer must be over 25 years with at least 2 years driving experience. A valid Driving Licence is required.
2. Comprehensive Insurance is given with every car but this excludes an excess of €950 of any claim, which has to be borne by the hirer (only Hirers over 25 years can be waived of this excess).
3. Comprehensive Insurance will not apply in cases mentioned below:

  • The rented vehicle is being driven at excessive speed beyond those laid down by police regulations (i.e., 22km/h – 40/h km inside building and 40km/h -80km/h outside building).
  • The driver is in state of drunkenness or under the influence of drugs.
  • No. of persons in a vehicle is in excess of the seating capacity.
  • No. of persons in a vehicle is in excess of the seating capacity.
  • There are any broken windscreen, windows or tyres and rims.
  • If the vehicle is driven in built areas or used for off road. (in that case a €500 fine will apply).
  • The insurance does not cover any damages to tyres & clutch. In case of a flat tyre the client is to change it. A spare wheel is always provided in the vehicle. Should client call for assistance there is a charge of €20.00.
  • The client is to ensure that vehicle lights and radio are OFF when car is not in use. In the event there is a flat battery due to this negligence there is a charge of €20.00. If client stops without fuel, a charge of €20.00 will be issued plus fuel.
  • The Hirer must take reasonable care of the vehicle.

4. The vehicle is to be examined prior to delivery (including spare tyre and tools) and must be returned in the same running order and condition as when it was hired (Fair wear and tear accepted). In the case of any mechanical faults, the hirer should notify the hiring Company immediately.
5. Petrol is at expense of the hirer.
6. Rentals are to be paid in advance with the final adjustments being made on completion of the rental.
7. In the case of an accident happening due to the driver’s negligence or due to lack of observance of traffic regulation, the hirer is to pay for a period the car remains out of service due to repair (maximum 21 days).
8. Petrol is not refundable.
9. The Company is not responsible for lost personal belongings.
10. The hirer shall not sell, offer for sale, assign, pledge, underlet, lend or otherwise deal with vehicle or any parts or accessories thereof or with any interest there is on this agreement, and shall not create or allow to be created any lien over the vehicle whether for repairs or otherwise. The hire shall, during the rental period, comply with all statutory rules and orders and regulation relating to the use vehicles being in force at the time.
11. If the vehicle is not returned on the due hour and date, the company shall be entitled to recover by way of damages the amount equal to the charge of renting for such an additional period to the date of the vehicle, together with all cost involved. an additional penalty of €20.00 will be charged.
12. This agreement shall be governed by, and construed under Maltese Law.
13. The vehicle is not to be taken out of THE Maltese Islands.
14. The Hirer must inform the Company of any loss of, damage to , or fault in the vehicle. Use of vehicle when damaged or faulty shall be at hirer’s risk.
15. The Company does not accept to pay reparation for delays in the consequence of breakdowns or otherwise.
16. The Company may at any time repossess the vehicle without giving notice to the customer.
17. The Hirer accepts to pay any traffic fines he is given and authorizes the Company to charge them to his credit card account in his absence unless these are paid for in cash. There will also be an extra charge of €20.00 per ticket office charges.

Credit Card Holder’s Declaration

The issuer of this Card identified on this item is authorized to pay the full amount to cover this agreement. I promise to pay such amount.


If the vehicle is not parked properly and the hirer finds the vehicle Clamped or towed by the police or their representative, the hirer is responsible for all fines and damages incurred. In case of accident or damage to the vehicle the hirer is bound to call the police/ warden and it is important not to move the vehicle before the police/ warden arrive on the site of accident. If the Vehicle is moved before police clearance the hirer is liable to pay all damages sustained thereof. In case of an accident we require warden report number plus a copy of the driving license, Contract shall be terminated and the hirer is not entitled for a replacement of another vehicle.